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Motor Controllers
AC motor controllers
EM-162A Power Controller
EM-217B Inverter
EM-217B-H Inverter
EM-262A Power Controller
Brushless DC motor controllers
EM-106A Brushless Controller
EM-151B Brushless Driver
EM-206 Brushless Controller
EM-206-48 Brushless Controller
EM-269A Brushless Driver
EM-291A Brushless Driver
EM-316A Brushless Driver
EM-346 Brushless Driver
EM-346-48V Brushless Driver
EM-347A Brushless Driver
EM-347B Brushless with Modbus Motor Driver
EM-352 Brushless DC-motor Driver
EM-352 Brushless Positioning Driver
EM-356B Brushless DC-Motor Driver with Modbus
EM-356B-SBL Brushless Positioning Driver with Modbus
EM-356C Brushless DC-motor driver
EM-366 Brushless DC-Motor Driver with Modbus
EM-366-SBL Brushless DC-Motor Driver with Modbus
DC motor controllers <10A
EM-12A DC-Motor Controller
EM-28 DC-Motor Controller
EM-67 DC-Motor Controller
EM-76 DC-Motor Controller
EM-101 DC-Motor Controller
EM-101-BI DC-Motor Controller
EM-140A DC-Motor Starter
EM-170 DC-Motor Controller
EM-174A DC-Motor Driver
EM-175 DC-Motor Controller
EM-176A DC-Motor Controller
EM-180 DC-Motor Driver
EM-180A DC-Motor Starter
EM-180A-M1 DC-Motor Starter
EM-185A DC-Motor Speed Regulator
EM-213 DC-Motor Power Controller
EM-241C-48V DC-Motor Controller
EM-323 1-Quadrant Power Controller
EM-324C DC-Motor Controller
EM-324C-JS1 DC-Motor Controller
EM-A24C DC Motor Driver
EM-A24-PCI DC Motor Driver
EM-A24C-JS1 DC-Motor Driver
DC motor controllers >10A
EM-115 motor controller
EM-115-48 controller
EM-231B Control Unit for Doors and Hatches
EM-231B-RC Control Unit for Doors and Hatches
EM-239 Parallel Driver
EM-241-saf Positioning Driver
EM-241C DC-Motor Controller
EM-241C-48V DC-Motor Controller
EM-241C-JS1 DC Motor Controller
EM-241B-PLI DC-Motor Controller
EM-243-PLI DC Motor Controller
EM-243-SPF Positioning Driver
EM-243C DC-Motor Controller
EM-243C-JS1 DC Motor Controller
EM-247C DC Motor Controller
EM-A24-SAF DC-motor driver module
EM-282D-JS1 DC-Motor Controller
EM-282D DC-Motor Controller
EM-282D-fan DC-Motor Controller
EM-285 Speed Regulator
EM-295C DC-Motor Controller
EM-337A-PLI Parallel Driver
EM-337A-48V-PLI Parallel Driver
EM-339A-PLI Parallel Driver
EM-339-48V-PLI Parallel Driver
EM-339A-SPF Positioning Driver
EM-337A-48V-SPF Positioning Driver
EM-337A-SPF positioning Driver
EM-339A-48V-SPF Positioning Driver
EM-341C DC-Motor Controller
EM-348C DC-Motor Controller
EM-348C-48V DC-Motor Controller
EM-348-SPF DC-Motor Controller
EM-348-48V-SPF DC Motor Controller
EM-348-PLI DC-Motor Controller
EM-348-48V-PLI DC-Motor Controller
EM-348-SAF DC-Motor Controller
EM-362 DC Motor Controller
EM-363C DC-Motor Controller
EM-362D DC-Motor Controller
EM-368C DC-Motor Controller
EM-A24C-JS1 DC-Motor Driver
Positioning controllers
EM-143S Servo Controller
EM-160 Servo Controller
EM-165 Positioning Driver
EM-165pf Positioning Driver
EM-167 Positioning Driver
EM-241-saf Positioning Driver
EM-241-SPF Positioning Driver
EM-A24-SPF DC-Motor Driver module
EM-A24-PCI-SPF DC-Motor Driver module
EM-243-SAF Positioning Driver
EM-324-SAF Positioning Driver
EM-324-SPF Positioning Driver
EM-348-SPF DC-Motor Controller
EM-348-48V-PLI DC-Motor Controller
EM-356B-SBL Brushless Positioning Driver with Modbus
EM-366-SBL Brushless DC-Motor Driver with Modbus
Stepper motor controllers
EM-136 Stepper Controller
EM-186-72 Stepper Controller
EM-314A Stepper Controller
EM-314A-60V Stepper Motor Driver
EM-318A Stepper motor driver
Power controllers
EM-162A Power Controller
EM-231B Control Unit for Doors and Hatches
EM-262A Power Controller
EM-75 Power Controller
EM-154 Power Controller
EM-213 DC-Motor Power Controller
EM-259A Dimmer
Monitoring Devices
Alarm Modules
EM-M40 Alarm Indication Unit
EM-M40H Alarm Indication Unit
EM-M50 Alarm Panel
LED Displays
EM-138 Led Bar Display
EM-138-3 Led Bar Display
EM-M50 Alarm Panel
Line Watches
EM-M82A Line guard
Trip Amplifiers
EM-203A Battery watch-dog 12V
EM-M26 Trip Amplifier
Galvanic Isolators
EM-M11A mA / Voltage converter
EM-M14 Galvanic Isolator
EM-M24 Isolator
EM-M41 input isolator
EM-M43 input isolator
EM-M43-2 input isolator
EM-M11A mA / Voltage converter
EM-M19 Potentiometer Converter
EM-M24 Isolator
Signal Converters
Ethernet Converters
EM-M87 Ethernet I/O Converter
EM-M17B F/UI Converter
I/A/mA Converters
EM-138 Led Bar Display
EM-138-3 Led Bar Display
EM-M11A mA / Voltage converter
EM-M22 I/A/mA Converter
EM-M24 Isolator
EM-M26 Trip Amplifier
EM-M41 input isolator
EM-M41-2 input isolator
EM-M43 input isolator
EM-M43-2 input isolator
Potentiometer converters
EM-M19 Potentiometer Converter
EM-M20 Potentiometer Converter
Pt100 Converters
EM-M21A Current Loop Converter
U/V/mV Converters
EM-138 Led Bar Display
EM-138-3 Led Bar Display
EM-M11A mA / Voltage converter
EM-M24 Isolator
EM-M26 Trip Amplifier
Special Measuring
EM-72 Control Unit
EM-72-DC Control Unit
EM-82-05A Vibration Sensor
EM-82-35-6M Vibration Sensor
EM-82-50B Vibration transducer
EM-83 Vibration meter
EM-30-HALL Speed sensor
EM-82-05A Vibration Sensor
EM-82-35-6M Vibration Sensor
EM-82-50B Vibration transducer
Control & Remote Control
EM-A3-10K-A-O Control Potentiometer
EM-A14T2 Remote Control Transmitter
EM-A14T-4 Remote Control Transmitters
EM-A14T-FM Remote Control Transmitters
EM-A14T-FM-4 Remote Control Transmitter
EM-A18+14T Remote Control
EM-A18+14T-4-FM Remote Control
EM-M66 Ramp Generator
Power Supply Units
EM-LP150 Power Supply 230VAC 150VA
EM-LP40 POWER SUPPLY UNIT 24Vdc 1.5A cont. / 5A peak
EM-LP300 Power Supply 230VAC 300VA
DIN rail bases
EM-KP122-140 Din-rail mounting base
EM-KP122-180 Din-rail mounting base
EM-KP107-54 Din-rail mounting base
EM-KP107-91 Din-rail mounting base
EM-KP107-107 Din-rail mounting base
EM-KP72-20 Din-rail mounting base
EM-KP72-32 Din-rail mounting base
EM-KP72-42.5 Din-rail mounting base
EM-KP72-65 Din-rail mounting base
EM-KP72-78 Din-rail mounting base
EM-KP72-875 Din-rail mounting base
EM-KP72-110 Din-rail mounting base
EM-KP72-142 Din-rail mounting base
Metal boxes
EM-T5 Metal Enclosure
EM-T6 Metal Enclosure
EM-T15 Metal Enclosure
EM-T17 Metal Enclosure
EM-T18 Metal Enclosure
Plastic boxes & mounting plates
EM-T19 Plastic Enclosure
EM-T20 Plastic Enclosure
EM-T27 Plastic Enclosure
EM-T28 Plastic Enclosure
EM-T39 Plastic Enclosure
EM-T44 Plastic Enclosure
EM-T48 Plastic Enclosure
EM-T33 Mounting Plate
EM-T37 Mounting Plate
Supportive Products
EM-A30 Micromatch Panel Cable
EM-A31 Micromatch Extended Cable
EM-236A Interface Unit
EM-268 USB link
EM-328 Interface unit
EM-328-ISO Interface unit
EM-328A Interface unit
EM-A1 Symmetric Control
EM-A3-10K-A-O Control Potentiometer
EM-A14T2 Remote Control Transmitter
EM-A14T-4 Remote Control Transmitters
EM-A14T-FM Remote Control Transmitters
EM-A14T-FM-4 Remote Control Transmitter
EM-A18+14T Remote Control
EM-A23 Braking Load
EM-A23-48V Braking load
EM-A43 Brake Resistor
EM-T50-2R2-80W Power Resistor
EM-T50-4R7-80W Power Resistor
EM-A41 Supply Reduce and Emergency Relay
EM-P189 Serial TX/RX Adapter
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