

59,00 € /unit

EM-348 is a full bridge DC-motor starter. It is designed to work with DC-motor in applications where some special functions are needed. Starter has adjustable acceleration and deceleration ramps, which make possible the smooth starts and stops. Adjustable current limit protects motor against overcurrent and it can also be used as an end-stop. Driver has two selectable pwm frequency 2 or 16kHz.
Power stage has smoothed switching technique which is achieved very low RF emissions, so external filter will not needed. Driver has also external brake output which can be used for control magnetic brake or braking resistor in regenerative braking.
EM-348-SPF firmware is designed for positioning use with motor or actuator with pulse sensors. Feedback is done with one or two line pulse signal. Although position feedback can be done with one pulse line it is always preferred and more secure to do it with two 0°/90° pulse lines. The positioning set signal can be used an analog control signal 0-5,5V. Input is freely scalable inside the range. The max. electrical accuracy of the driver and feedback is 0.2% which is adequate for most actuator positioning applications.
The driver includes many other dynamic adjustment features like parameter for load compensation, dead-zone setting (positioning window), start and stop ramps for smooth direction change and braking zone for well operating positioning. The settings and adjustments are done with parameters as in all new generation Electromen products. Included in the parameters is also the learn routine which will help to determine the full movement range fast and easily. Additively the movement range can be modified from both ends with SW-limit parameters. Possible cumulating pulse count errors can be avoided with manually or automatically triggerable home drive. The current limits and driving speeds can be set individually for both directions.
The parameter setting and monitoring can be done with Modbus or EM-236 interface unit, EM-328 with EmenTool-Lite PC-program. The Program updates can do with EmenTool

TECHNICAL DATA ( PCb v1, prog EM-348-spf v1.8 )

EM-348 SPF

Supply voltage cont. max. 10-35V
Overvoltage limit adjustable 15-40V
Start up voltage 9V, shutdown voltage 8V
Continuous current output when ambient temp is 15A at 100% speed / 10A at 5-99% speed pwm=2kHz
10A at 100% speed / 5A at 5-99% speed pwm=16kHz
Peak ( 5s.) 30A at 2khz pwm and 25A at 16kHz pwm
Current limit adjustable 0.1-25A ( at start max 30A )
( 6A version currents are typically 2.5 times smaller )
Overheat limit 100°C
Start and stop ramp adjustable 0-5s
PWM frequency 2kHz / 16kHz
Analog inputs ( pin 11 and 12 ) 0-5V or 0-10V
Input control logic: high =4-30V, low=0-1V
Control input impedances typ. 47kohm
Pulse inputs ( pin 2 and 3 ) imped. typ 10kohm
Pulse input freq. max. 700Hz
Control input response time typ 5ms.
Fault out. PNP open coll. 12-22V max. 50mA
Brake out NPN open coll max. 35V / 2A
Disable in active Uin > 4V ( pnp )
Bus Rs-485, two wire half duplex, 9600kb/s
Motor and supply connectors 2.5mm
Control connectors 1mm
Dimensions 42x72x height 25mm ( 6A version 18mm)
Dimensions in DIN-rail base 45x80x45mm
CE-tested for industrial environment ( emc )
Operating temp ( Ta ) -40...60°C
Weight 75g ( 6A version 48g )

Product files


  • 93 pcs. in stock


  • 59,00 € /unit