

26,00 € /unit

EM-A14T remote control transmitter series is for low distance control The control range is typically 10-25m, the operating range depends on how much obstacles is between transmitter and receiver. Electromagnetic disturbances of environment can be decreased control range also. Typically the FM ( frequency modulated ) works little bit better than AM ( amplitude modulated ) in enviroment where occurs electromagnetic disturbance.
These devices uses rolling code security coding ( KeeLoq ), this offer possibility to use these device also for locking ( the security class is same as car door locking ).
These are LPD433 devices ( low power device 433MHz ) and because the antenna output power is less than 10mW the devices are licence free in most European country. NOTICE! before using, check your local regulations for 433MHz devices

FM- and AM devices uses different kind of receiver unit
EM-A18 standard receiver set for AM devices ( 2 channel )
EM-A18-FM-4 receiver for FM devices ( 4-channel )
Device has plastic body, protection class typically IP52.
Devices uses 12V battery ( type A23 )

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  • 194 pcs. in stock


  • 26,00 € /unit